Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Nail Designs and Ted Baker Shorts

My family is one of the most patriotic families I know.. Union Jacks are one of our favourite things and the year of the Jubilee and London Olympics gives us a great reason to have the bunting out! To celebrate I did my youngest sisters nails with these Rimmel nail stickers. I was struggling to get them to stick properly so I had the "genius" idea to cover with them with clear nail polish... This was not good! They started to flake pretty much straight away. I would appreciate any tips for getting nail stickers to stay on! They looked epic whilst they lasted though!

I did my own nails with some nail pens to suit my outfit that day. I was wearing a grey H&M dress so my nails likewise became grey! The pattern makes me think of old fashioned film reels they would have at the cinema, I really like it. It's a great design and you can do it over and over with different colours. I hadn't finished touching them up when I took these so there is over-spilled nail polish, whoops haha.

Sam loves taking creative photos so here's the artistic portrayal of my nails that he took... I quite like it :)

Also, my Ted Baker shorts have just over 19 hours left on eBay, here. Take a look at my photos and treat yourself to a 99p bargain dears! 

Hope you're all well, Georgia X


  1. Aww hey sweety! Sure, i'll follow you, your blog is amazing <33

  2. and i will <33

  3. hi Georgia :) thanks for your nice comment on my blog, i'm following your blog now,

    i'll wait for your giveaway

  4. your nails are amazing! i love your outfit too! great shorts :) aw my family are the complete opposite! i wish they were a bit more patriotic:P thanks for your sweet comment xxx

  5. The Union Jacks nails are amazing! And love the hounds-tooth pants, they look lovely on you!

    XO, Imke

  6. your nails looks great!
    nice shorts too!

  7. The union jack nails are fab!! Nail stickers always have great designs but they are a pain to keep on! I tried some nail foils and even they were a tad annoying, kept lifting up on the ends. Not sure if you had nail stickers or foils? but with foils you can heat them up using a hairdryer thats what i did with my foils.

    Maybe next time wheack abit of glue on them underneath the stickers on top of a base coat to try protect nails.



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