Saturday, 21 July 2012

Friday's Favourite: Dress ...A Day Late

I would like to start this post with an apology.. I haven't blogged since last Friday! I've not been well so I've stayed away from my netbook. It's been one of those weeks... Ill and then my car failed its MOT! I'm currently having to spend the weekend with out my poor little PG Tips :( Anyway to expand the apology even further it is now Saturday morning so this post is past late! I tried to write it last night but I fell asleep whoops.

Picking my favourite dress is a hard one because generally whichever dress is my latest one it is also my favourite. This dress was one my mum got me from Warehouse, I've had it for a few months now and I just love it. These photos were taken after a party two months ago but I am planning on taking some more outside in the daytime soon.

I love the colour of this dress and the cut is really nice. It has a low neckline at the back and I love the bow-tie which covers the low neckline at the front. I think it goes great with my stocking tights, I just love them. Carry on reading for more photos!

Necklace - Warehouse
Dress - Warehouse
Tights - Topshop
Heels - Jasper Conran, Debenhams

I'm looking for a new dress for my boyfriend's 21st party so if you can recommend any shops for me to look at please do! I'm looking for a sexy red or a cute blue dress and I am definitely up for suggestions!

Talking about dresses I bought this one from H&M which I love but it just didn't suit me, I didn't get it back to the store in time to take it back. It cost £19.99 but I'm only selling it for £10. It is perfect for this season, it's got an asymmetric hem and a lace skirt. I want it to go to a good home so check it out here.

Isn't it pretty! Find it Here!

Well have a lovely weekend everybody and remember to keep checking back for my 100 follower giveaway! Georgia X


  1. I love this stocking tights too ! :)

  2. great outfit <3 love this tipe of red <3

  3. Hey thank you for your comment :-) I´m now following you via gfc now its your turn to follow back, i´ll wait for you :-)) many greetings

  4. cute dress!! I love the romantic feel! The stocking are very cute as well! You look lovely!

    -Lil Miss Latina

  5. the dress really suits you well and I like the style of your picture:)
    xx Kate

  6. I love your dress and your tights :) you look gorgeous!!

  7. Your new dress is so pretty! Great buy! And the read one is pretty amazing as well.

    Xo, Imke

  8. Hey i really like your blog , nice pictures !!! Would you like to follow each other !? promise to follow back :)) greetings

  9. lovely dress. i like that other dress too! that nude one :)


  10. the dress looks lovely on you. i love your tights :) want to follow each other?

  11. love your outfit, those stockings are beyond adorable! and i would totally buy that pink dress but its not my size :((
    maybe you would like to check out my blog? i would really appreciate it! :)


  12. Love your Pussybow dress! I want one myself :)
    Loved reading your blog and I'm following you now :)


  13. love the colour of your dress. It seems to be so romantic.

  14. hey blogwalking here, babe. found your beautiful blog.
    lets follow each others :D i hope we can be friends! ^^


  15. Your dress is beautiful, I love that colour...really suits you, and well if I could only look that good after a party! x

  16. you look gorgeous, love the dress xx


Thank you for sharing some love, I look forward to replying to you!

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