Friday, 13 July 2012

Friday's Favourite: Heel

I have had my most absolute favourite heels for two years now and they are still going strong! I intend them to be going strong for a lot longer too. I got them for £40 from Topshop which was great. My old dance teacher worked there too so I got her staff discount on top of that... BARGAIN!

We just got back from a family meal when I took this photo so they are a bit wet unfortunately. I absolutely love these boots because they go with absolutely anything! They're perfect for just a shopping trip or a night out. I have much love for them! Thank you to Topshop and my old dance teacher.

Moving on... I have an exciting announcement! Firstly, next week marks my blogs four month anniversary! Thank you to all my lovely readers who share love on each post, it really encourages me to carry on blogging. Thank you also for my followers, it's amazing that people enjoy what I write enough that they want to follow me. This leads on to my second announcement, once I reach 100 followers to celebrate I will be hosting my second GIVEAWAY! So keep checking back to find out who my sponsor is, what the prize will be and when it's happening. I'm so pleased I can share this with you all.

Right, it's late so I am off. Goodnight lovelies, Georgia X


  1. i love that they are like converse at the front, im a tomboy deep down xx

  2. BTW- I can't believe I wasn't following your blog!!!! Well. anyways, now following love!!!!

  3. I have to buy similar heels ! :)

  4. They are pretty nice I have to say.
    Congratulations on you success hunni!

    Gems x

    Fashion, Well Done

  5. Hi! thank you for your lovely comment on my blog, i'm following you now! And i love your heels!!


  6. I have these boots love them!! I got mine from New Look though .. theyre gorgeous aren't they!

    Chloe Polo

  7. What a great buy, they are fabulous!

    XO, Imke

  8. looooove the shoes <3 I've a similar pair :D

  9. those boots are soooo kewl! love it! anw i just followed you, mind to follow me back? :)

  10. Very cute xx

  11. I love your boots... How much did it cost you???
    They look so nice...


Thank you for sharing some love, I look forward to replying to you!

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