Friday, 3 August 2012

Friday's Favourite Gifted Accessory: My Engagement Ring... That's right I am now engaged!!

How perfectly has this blog post fitted in?! On Wednesday 1st August of this week, my amazing and gorgeous best friend and boyfriend proposed to me! So of course, my favourite gifted accessory is my ENGAGEMENT RING! Boy, does it sound good to say that. I have some gorgeous other pieces of jewellery from Sam and my parents which I want to show you all sometime but at the moment I'm just too excited about the fact that I'M ENGAGED!

So, here is the beautiful ring...
My fiancée (I love saying that!) has such gorgeous taste. It's an antique ring, 18ct gold and 1/2ct diamonds. I love the shape, I don't think I've ever seen a rectangular ring before. It has two unusual grooves in the band either side of the diamonds as well. It really is one of the most unique rings I've ever seen and I'm so lucky to be the one donning it. I'm even luckier to have Sam though.

Carry on reading for more pictures and of course the (shortened!) story of our engagement!

Wednesday was our two year anniversary so it was a special day anyway. We went to the lovely city of Chester to celebrate and do a bit of shopping (I got a dress for Sam's 21st!). While we were there, we went firstly on a cruise boat to eat a picnic and then we hired a motor boat so that we could enjoy the views by ourself. On our ride back, Sam stopped the boat and while we were in the middle of the river and proposed. It was such a lovely moment and my smile hasn't left my face yet!

Here are a few of our photos from the day...
The morning of our 2nd anniversary, before we left. We had just eaten a breakfast of Haribo!
Part of our picnic on the cruise boat!
Sammy :)
Myself.. We had just gotten stuck in pouring down rain!

Random photo but this is the best snapshot I had of my outfit and I couldn't do a post without showing you my outfit!
Sammy driving our motorboat.. The boat he proposed to me on!
A gorgeous view from our boat!
Me having a go at driving, it is safe to say that I was terrible!
Just after we got off the boat, now officially engaged!
Prepare for some posey photos...

When we got home more posey photos were of course taken! 

The next morning, before work.. I was and still am just as excited!

Well, phew that's the end of my story and photos! I hope I haven't bored your with my lovey-doviness but I am pretty loved up right now. I hope you've all had weeks as good as mine.

If you're from the UK and haven't entered my giveaway yet then what are you waiting for?! I'm giving away a beautiful bracelet and it's the perfect Summer accessory! Check it out :)

Talk soon, Georgia X


  1. Aww congratulations! Was he nervous?
    Emma x

  2. Congratulations! Beautiful ring. :)

    Do you want to follow each other? :)

  3. awww cute couple... congrats!! :) beautiful ring too!

  4. Congratulations! Beautiful ring :) x

  5. Congratulations, lovely ring x

  6. Congrats! Love your blog! Definitely following now! Stay in touch and check out my new blog xx

  7. Congratulations - this is exciting times for you!
    Love both your ring and your gorgeous blog!
    I just signed up as your newest follower I'd love it if you popped by my blog.

    ♥ Melissah from Coastal Style

  8. Congratulations Georgia! You are very lucky to (soon) get married to your bestfriend. That's rare! I'm happy for you. When's the wedding? :) x

  9. So happy for you! Your ring is gorgeous! Make the most of the engagement period and planning your wedding, it's the best feeling ever :)

  10. Congratulations! That ring is amazing!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm following back and I'll be joining your giveaway :)

  11. ohh congrats! you guys are so cute!

    I follow you now!

    Could you follow me?

  12. Congratulations! Your ring is beautiful x

  13. Congratulations!!

    Thanks for visiting my blog :)

  14. Congratulations! Amazing!

  15. OMG! Congratulations! :) I am so happy for you. Very nice ring your fiancee knows how to treat you well <3

  16. Wow gorgeous ring! Congratulations! Love you're blog. I've just started following. I would love it if you followed back :)


  17. Congratulations!

  18. How cute! Congratulations on your engagement! You both look very happy and I wish you the best of luck (: would you like to follow each other? I love your style and photos!

  19. congrats!

  20. Oh wow! WOWnderful photos!! :)

  21. Ah, congratulations! <3

    Lovely blog too, I'm now following! I hope you can visit my blog and follow back if you like it too <3


  22. Nice post! :)

    I'd love if you visited my blog at It would be fun to follow each other, don't you think? ;)

    xoxo, Minna

  23. Tagged you in a post on my blog. Check it out.

  24. beautiful ring, beautiful blog! let's follow each other! xx

  25. Hi! Thank you for the wonderful comment on my blog! Of course, I follow you! I really like your blog! I hope that you too will follow me!

  26. So pretty! I really like your blog, followed you on bloglovin, maybe follow me back?

  27. WOw Congratulations! The ring is beautiful :) xo akiko
    Your Portrait Giveaway

  28. Congratulations! You look like a great couple, I can't wait to see the weddings snaps!

  29. Congratulations on your engagement! That ring is gorgeous. The rectangular shape is definitely unique, but it looks like an instant classic. It’s very sophisticated and understated, but all the more elegant for that. Maybe you could get a customized wedding band that would match that, so you can wear them together!

  30. No, no boredom at all since your post is plainly romantic and cute. And good decision on getting engaged since you both make a good couple. The ring is just awesome too so congratulations and continue with the updates. :)

  31. Having a romantic boat ride after being officially engaged is really an ideal and memorable experience not just for the both of you, but for other couples as well who love to have a private time together after the woman said ‘yes.’ Congratulations to you guys and have a great day!

    RPaulina Kimberly


Thank you for sharing some love, I look forward to replying to you!

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