Friday, 10 August 2012

Friday's Favourite: Photo of the Queen

Good Friday everybody! Today's Friday's Favourite is supposed to be favourite animal print piece but I don't own any animal print! Is that a bad thing? I would like to get a pair of cheetah/leopard print loafers but they're not at the top of my shopping list. 

I have been wanting to share this photo with you, though, so here is my Friday's Favourite photo of the Queen! What better time to be patriotic than during the Olympics, hey. I saw this photo in a copy of Instyle a couple of months back and went for a search on the internet for it because I loved it so much. The Queen looks incredibly stunning, the dress really flatters her. Just look at her waistline! I love any dress which is made up of dainty lace, as well. There's something about this that reminds me of Audrey Hepburn's style. (I love Audrey Hepburn so much!) Wherever the Queen is, in my eyes, she will always be the most glamorous person there. 
Credit to wherever it is due for this photo
In other news, head over to the fabulous blog Femme Fatall for an interview I did with Heather (Femme Fatall writer). I talk the Olympics, vintage fashion and loads more! To read my interview Click Here and why not leave Heather some love on her blog while you're there :)

Before I end this post a reminder to all my British readers about my What's About Town giveaway! I'm giving away a gorgeous bracelet which is an amazing piece of summer arm candy. All you have to do is like two facebook pages - easy!

Well, goodnight world! I am off to watch some Olympics. Night X


  1. She's stunning,beautiful dress...I love lace. X

  2. funny how she still looks so the same! also loving the lace dress, very beautiful. xxx

  3. She is fashion personified in this picture!!

  4. lovely post and true femme fatall!
    would you like to follow each other?

    Win $300 to spend on Boticca on my blog!

  5. She is still beautiful!!! love it!!!

  6. i LOVE this photo of the Queen, she looks so glam! And btw your engagement ring is so nice, I really like it :)

    Lots of love,

    Enter my studded corset giveaway in collaboration with Kat Valdez!

  7. Congrats on getting engaged! Your ring is so beautiful! I just started following you, hope you follow me back :)

  8. Love this photo :) It's really beautiful and so unique. She looks amazing too!

  9. great post
    I've nominateed u in LIEBSTER award


Thank you for sharing some love, I look forward to replying to you!

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