Saturday, 1 September 2012

Friday's Favourite: Boots

I don't wear boots that much but I do have the two essentials: a pair of ankle boots and a pair of knee-high boots. I got the knee-high boots the winter before last and didn't wear them last winter so when I get them out this year they'll seem like a new pair! They're a great pair from Flyleaf so they're great quality and I expect them to last for years. My ankle boots are the pair that I thrifted a few months ago for £2.50. These are really great quality and really well made, as everything was back in the day.

For some reason every Friday when I come to write my Friday's Favourite post... Something happens and stops me! Well tonight was no different, all my area had a power cut and by the time it got fixed I was just going out. This also meant that I had no light to take photos in. Here's hoping for better luck next week!

I went for a mooch on the internet for some of my favourite pairs out to buy at the moment, what do you think about my choices?
Studding is one of my new favourite trends at the moment, here's a selection of my favourite studded boots...
Topshop, £90
Topshop, £85
What are your favourite style of boots at the moment?

Georgia X


  1. love the studded aldo ones, they look a little bit like the ones by sam edelman:)
    xx Kate

  2. I really want studded boots, they're soooo pretty!

    XO, Imke

  3. I want those studded topshop boots! in love x

  4. great shoes!
    i just tagged you for the liebster award!
    check out my blog to see the rules!

  5. I love those studded ankle boots (3rd from the top) I've been looking for a sleek, classic ankle boot for awhile now! All of these are really great picks, you have good taste!:)

    --The Urban Lioness


Thank you for sharing some love, I look forward to replying to you!

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