Saturday, 18 August 2012

Drum Roll Please, and The Winner Is...

Well, the time is nigh and my giveaway with What's About Town has officially entered. I'm quite upset I couldn't enter myself as it is such a lovely bracelet haha! I am very happy to be able to give it away to somebody, though :)

I have used to find the winner.... (For some reason my crop isn't working so I hope you can see it properly!)
Entry number 16! Well done to Stacey Kane! I will be getting in touch with your shortly to arrange getting the bracelet to you :) If you didn't win why not head over to What's About Town and use this voucher code! Thank you to everybody who entered!
Sugarscape Banners

Moving on.. You may have noticed I missed my Friday's Favourite post yesterday, look out for my next post and I will be explaining why! I also have some exciting DIYs and reviews coming your way so there will be lots of action :) 

Well, I am off out (wearing one of my new DIY's!) I look forward to hearing from you all and writing again soon :) Georgia X


  1. congrats!!

    Can you plz help me and watch my video (and share it if u want) it's for a contest and I need more views!

  2. Hi pretty, I love your blog and I following. Can you follow me please?Kisses

  3. Hi dear! We follow each other on chictopia. Ilove your outfit posts so thought I'd follow your blog too! Hope you visit my new blog as well and follow back.


  4. Just found your blog! It's really nice :D

    Hope you'll visit me, I will be really grateful :)
    Kisses, Elena

  5. Congratulations to the winner! :)

    I nominated you for an award on my blog ^^



Thank you for sharing some love, I look forward to replying to you!

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