Saturday, 25 August 2012

Friday's Favourite: Ring

So it's  pretty obvious which of my rings is my favourite at the moment... (Hint, my engagement ring :D). I thought I would show you my next two favourite rings I have, both from my parents. The first one I got from them on my 18th birthday. It is an antique piece and is just gorgeous. It was probably once someone else's engagement ring. It's a really classy, feminine ring. It looks fabulous by itself or paired with other rings - it's not too much an over-statement that it looks too much with other pieces but then it is such a classy piece that it looks great by itself as well.
I like to wear it with this other antique ring my parents got me as a Christmas present. I have never seen anything like this ring, it is just so unique and almost 'quirky'. I would name all the stones for you but I am so tired and my bed is calling me! They are held in place by gold 'bearings'... I'm not really sure what you call them but I'm sure you can see what I mean. How beautiful is it and it looks great when the sun is shining on it! Both these antique rings look great on the same hand and I just love them so much. I'm incredibly grateful to my parents for these two beautiful rings.

QUICK TIP: Do you have a ring which has lost its sparkle? This tip will bring that shine back. Get an old tooth brush and fill a cup with some luke-warm water, add a drop of washing up liquid. Lightly (Very lightly! You don't want any of the rocks to fall out) scrub the ring. This should take only a couple of minutes and then your ring will be sparkling again. When I did this I had people commenting for ages on how shiny my rings were. I originally got this from an article on Martha Stewart.

So I'm not sure if you have ever tried to photograph your own hand with a DSLR, silly me didn't think about using my remote or self-timer; it is hard! Here is the best photo I got of both rings on together... The photo doesn't do them due justice because they really are both incredibly gorgeous!

Okay, so I can't leave out my beautiful, antique, engagement ring of my fiancee. Here it is... Again! It's so gorgeous, I really do love it and my fiancée to bits!

So last Friday, my elder-little sister Jessica moved to Ireland for the year to do a gap year. Missing her so much! Thus why there was no Friday's Favourite post, we were waving her away. Then there's been a million other things happening at the same time. I haven't had chance to catch up with many blogs for a long time! I am missing reading what all you creative, fashion minds are writing about. Definitely will set aside an hour or so over the next week to get reading :)

Well, I just got back from a lovely meal with Sammy which was the perfect way to end a long week! Plus, we got to celebrate our engagement together which was lovely. Talk soon lovelies, Georgia X


  1. I love the ring you got from your parents for your 18th B-day! It's so pretty and charming that it has a story behind it!

  2. beautiful ring!!!


  3. I just love antique rings.. :) xx

  4. Aside from signifying a fostering relationship, another thing that makes engagements more awesome is wearing those fancy engagement rings. And yours is one of them! Thank you for sharing it through this post!

  5. That is sweet! The antique ring your parents gave you on your 18th birthday is lovely and it fits you well. Receiving such an amazing presents from them must have filled your heart with joy and thanksgiving, especially when they gave you a new one with different stones on it. Of course, your engagement ring is as lovely as the ring from your parents, but there’s something special in receiving something from your parents.


Thank you for sharing some love, I look forward to replying to you!

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