Thursday, 30 August 2012

Put a Ring On It

You guys may remember I did an interview over at Femme Fatall with Heather the other day. Well, Heather collects unique, vintage rings and then remasters them into these amazing wire-wrapped rings. She was lovely enough to send me one as a thank you for doing an interview!
Just look at how dainty and lovely it is and it fits just perfectly. I have had so many compliments on this when I wear it and most people comment on the fact that they have never seen a ring quite like this before. People all want to know where I got it from! My favourite colours are different shades of light blue and turquoise so this goes just perfectly with lots of my outfits. I also love adding bits of fun jewellery to office outfits and this definitely fits into the 'fun jewellery' category.

I'm not sure if Heather sells these rings but take a look at her post about how she makes them, you can find that here.

Hope you're having a good week and hopefully, like me, that lovely bank holiday will have been so lovely that it mixed the order of days up in your head! Georgia X


  1. You have a really nice blog :-)
    I'm your new follower.

  2. that is gorgeous!

    xo Camilla

    Into The Fold

    ps, win a pair of Rayban sunglasses on my blog!

  3. Thanks so much for the post Georgia! I'm glad you like your ring. They're very easy to make and the perfect use for my vintage button collection :-).


Thank you for sharing some love, I look forward to replying to you!

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